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Summit Program

Summit Program

Our Summit Program is a unique and exciting opportunity specifically designed for our fourth and fifth grade students in the Lower School. 

This program is specifically designed for our students in these transformative years.  We build executive functioning skills (organization, time management, ability to multitask, focus, and set goals) in our students by allowing them to practice these high-level cognitive functions on a daily basis.  Our students are no longer in a self-contained classroom, they move to different learning spaces for each class, they manage a schedule, a locker, and technology under the loving guidance of their four core teachers.


This pedagogy also enables our Summit teachers to teach to their strengths and passions, while providing a deeper and more cohesive learning experience across all core classes.  This outstanding program helps to prepare our Lower School leaders for a seamless transition to life in our Middle School, where these executive functioning skills are essential.

National Bike to School Day

If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.

- chinese proverb


Experiential Learning
