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MIT Approved Fab Lab and Engineering Studio

The Walker Idea Farm, located inside the newly remodeled Mallah Engineering and Design Studio, is a cutting edge Fabrication Lab.

This lab was one of the first MIT approved labs owned and operated by an independent middle school in Florida. Each year middle school students engage with project-based elective courses that inspire creativity and allow for the discovery of new passions within the engineering and design fields.

This fully functioning lab has 3D Printing and modeling, laser cutting and engraving, CNC machining and milling, water-jet cutting, and woodworking capabilities.

Students use cross-platform software that includes industry-level graphics and CAD/3D modeling while working with various materials that enable students to bring their ideas to life.

Fabrication Lab

scientist investigate that which already is; engineers create that which has never been.

-albert Einstein

Ideas - Build - Create

Walker Idea Farm

Fabrication Lab
