Doyle Towne
Different by Design
We want our littlest learners to explore the world of imaginative play so we built them their own town! DOYLE TOWNE is complete with a Wee Care Pet Clinic for aspiring vets, a filling station full of tricycles and a fire station with a bell to ring when you lose a tooth and MUCH MORE!
The safety of each little citizen of Doyle Towne is our first priority. Not only is our building safely nestled within Saint Paul’s gated school campus, it is also locked and monitored at all times. Guests are issued temporary passes and children are released only to those adults who parents have identified as trusted caregivers. Only faculty with Level 2 Background Screenings and the necessary early childhood training may hold and interact with our children; and only those with the necessary educational coursework may teach our children. Additionally, a certified registered nurse is on campus during school hours and a licensed psychologist supports the emotional health needs of our school community.
Everything about Doyle Towne is designed to invite children into the world of imaginative play. From the Train Station, where little ones can build a network of tracks leading to their dream destinations, to the Wee Care Pet Clinic, where our pint-sized vets can view x-rays and make important diagnoses for their precious stuffed animals. Each and every space offers our littlest learners the opportunity to role play, problem-solve, and develop critical cognitive and social-emotional life skills.
It is our deepest honor to protect and nurture the sacred duty of childhood, which is to play!
Mallah Park is where your little ones will enjoy riding their trikes through the winding paths of the playground, explore the safe and snug climbing structures, swing in the breeze and eat lunch.
Each little citizen of Doyle Towne is precious beyond measure. As a faculty, we are committed to knowing each child individually, so that we can help each one to flourish and realize their unique potential. For that reason, maintaining small class sizes is at the heart of our mission. One visit to Doyle Towne will leave you in awe.
In November 2020, Saint Paul’s completed the reconstruction of an additional 8,000 square feet on campus which was transformed to Doyle Towne Landing. The entire building was redesigned for infants (8 weeks to 12 months), and waddlers (12 to 24 months), and includes stroller parking, a room for nursing mothers, a new infant room and two additional waddler rooms. All of this is centered around a new, age-appropriate under the sea themed library for students in Squires through third grade and a giant whale desk which doubles as a book return. Words cannot describe this awesome Fanta-SEA space.