Honor Code
Honor Code
As a member of Saint Paul’s School, I pledge to conduct myself at all times honorably and in a way that shows pride in my community. As a person of honor, I will show:
Respect For Academics
Respect for Academics in all my educational efforts. I will demonstrate honesty and integrity by doing my own work and encouraging others to do the same. I will at all times have the courage to accomplish the highest academic achievement of which I am capable.
Respect For OthersRespect For Others in all my words and actions. I will be kind and polite to teachers, staff, and fellow students and refrain from hurtful remarks about appearance, race, religion, family, intelligence, and sexuality. I will include others and do my part to help others to be happy and successful.
Respect For Property
Respect For Property at all times. I will treat my school as I would my home and take pride in my surroundings. I will do my part to leave things better than how I found them. I will respect other people's personal property and ask permission to use something that does not belong to me.
Respect for Myself
Respect for Myself in everything I do. I understand that my academic work, conduct, and attitude are my responsibility and reflect on myself, my family, and my school. I accept responsibility for all that I do and will encourage others to do the same. I will have the courage to ask for help when needed.